Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday's Morning Trip

We did it...we went to Jungle Bungle for the first time today. Overall, a very good trip. Did I say TRIP? That is very appropriate considering on the way to the car after a fun morning, the kids and I tripped in the parking lot and landed flat on our faces and knees. Brigg's nose bled for a bit and he freaked out at the sight of the blood, but all he is left with is a red bump on his forehead. I'm not sure what Lani was doing during all the craziness, thanks to Jody!! She swooped her up and made sure she was ok while I nursed Brigg and my own wounds. I am hoping Brigg does not associate breaking his nose with Jungle Bungle because we really had a fun time and I am looking forward to going back again...maybe during the week when it's not so busy and not snowing and slippery in the parking lot! Jody thinks I have issues with staying upright....where would she come up with that?


Blogger jody said...

i was considering just taking Lani home with me. I love her! But I decided you guys might miss her. Glad everyone is on the mend. Next time we'll just go somewhere where it doesn't involve stairs or ice--

2/12/2006 3:32 PM  

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