Friday, February 17, 2006

COBRA Schmobra!

Insurance....necessary, but completely frustrating! I find it ironic that I am choosing to go into the insurance business contrary to my disgust by this area of life. I just spent the past HOUR on the phone with the insurance company trying to get our COBRA insurance worked out for the month of January. It is necessary for us to have constant coverage because of Nalani's "pre-existing condition". We cannot let it lapse for even one day or Paul's current insurance could choose not to pick us up. We have called probably 5 times in the past 2 months and each time we get sent through this maze of automated stuff only to be locked out, sent to a "representative" (which is where I wanted to be sent anyway), and told we will receive a new password in 7-10 business days. We have seriously had our password reset FIVE TIMES. I have no idea what the password even IS! AHHHH! So frustrating. I am blotchy and my blood pressure is high. I insisted (I'm sure nobody can begin to imagine me insisting on anything due to my calm nature!) that this be taken care of TODAY on the phone. They said I owed $2, it was important that we get this figured out so I could get to a bank and take out a LOAN if necessary!:) Sooooo, after an hour of frustration we finally have it taken care of. Whew!!! I cannot believe my children allowed me to pay them no attention for that long. My phone was dead, so I was also attached to the wall the whole time. Not a good place for me to be. So after this passed, I went into the living to find my two beautiful children sitting on the floor, engrossed in a cartoon and surrounded by smashed sour cream and cheddar potato chips that I am sure I gave them during my moment of stress and didn't even realize I was doing it! They were SO CUTE though. I grabbed my camera, and my babies and took a photo of the three of us. My heart rate is back to normal, as is my blood pressure for the time being. They teach me patience and so so much more.... Posted by Picasa


Blogger jody said...

i know, Cassie, we are counting on you to revolutionize the insurance industry for us all.

2/17/2006 2:44 PM  
Blogger Cassie said...

haaaaa haaaa ha ha hahaaa haa

2/17/2006 3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you got that worked out...what a cluster. Sorry you had to deal with that stress. Hope Saturday is a more relaxing day!

2/17/2006 8:45 PM  

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