Thursday, March 16, 2006

March Madness

This label seems to suit me so far this month! I'm going crazy at work due to the fact that I'm not actually working yet. All I do is study and I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next week! I have tomorrow off and my "Mom's Conference" this weekend. I am looking forward to that retreat! I had an epidural steroid last night for my back issues and I am feeling pretty good. The pain has shifted somewhat and I am just glad it's not in my toosh and down my leg anymore. IB Prophen clears up the dull lower back pain I'm experiencing now. Hoping it's even better by tomorrow. We are holding off our annual St. Patty's Day celebration until Sunday....corned beef and cabbage. Of course a green beer or two as well!!:) I'm a pretty happy mommy...the kids are healthy and have really been enjoying eachother lately. Lani repeats everything Brigg says, it's so cute. And Brigg has really been giggling at Nalani a lot lately. He is sleeping so well at night and I haven't seen him up in our room in the middle of the night for DAYS! Life IS good! I take my commercial license insurance test a week from tomorrow and as soon as I pass that test I will be able to start really working and that will make life easier! We spent the evening watching basketball and checking the results with our work pool selections. You may not know this, but I am quite competetive and really researched my picks:)! Makes the games more fun!! So overall, I cannot complain. Hoping everyone is cozy warm tonight and content with life.


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