Tuesday, March 07, 2006
About Me
- Name: Cassie
- Location: United States
Wife to Paul, mother to Brigg, Nalani and Ayla. Happily residing in the good ole midwest. Trying to live life to the fullest...
A busy mother, wife, and maniac! This is my outlet and connection to the outside world.
ADORABLE kids!!! They ARE something special to be thankful for. I can't imagine going through life without my kids. They have taught me more in the last 7 years than I had ever learned in the previous 20 years of my life. How thankful I am too. Good quotes from the book. I think I need to read that one. Thanks.
You must be reading my mind...I have been having many of those same thoughts that you posted in the previous post. I feel so blessed...and at the same time overwhelmed by my responsibility to my kids. I have been learning that instead of praying for God to let everythign go my way, to pray that he will give me the strength and the grace to handle whatever it is that he sends my way. A difficult habit to change but it makes all the difference! he truly has used my children and motherhood to mold ME into the woman he wants me to be...and here all along I thought I would be the one doing the molding!
i think we need to hold on...this roller coaster ride it just beginning for us as young moms! i can't wait to see what's to come...
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