Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Success

We squeaked by with no major (or minor) issues. The last 20 minutes or so were hit or miss with Nalani getting what we call a little "negative". You know, in that mood where it is like "Oops mom, I accidentally threw my dolly across the IMAX theater, would you get it for me?" And then I get it and believe it or not, she "accidentally" does it again. But we made it and the kids were a riot. They really enjoyed the flower and garden show. In these pics you can see that they got to plant their own flower and they had a bucket with worms in it, so they got their own worm for their plant. There was also an exhibit that had baby ducks in it. Paul's little mind is full of all the overly expense things he can do with our backyard this summer.... Posted by Picasa


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