The Results....
Brigg - 11
Cassie - 3
Lani - 2
Paul - 0
A very happy Brigg is the winner of the scare contest. Here, Gale and Livi, is a very sweet photo for you to look at! :) Thank you for voting. Just so you know, we went through every enry and I read them to the kids. We went on to tally up the votes and Brigg said, "I knew I was the scariest. Daddy wasn't scary at all!" I, of course, think you are all crazy. I believe Brigg got sympathy votes because he is a child. I was totally the scariest!! He was disappointed with every person that did not vote for him though. He even tried to call Nana B this morning to ask for details regarding WHY she would vote for Nalani over him! He was serious about this! Thanks!! Happy early halloween!!!
Cassie, I think you were scary in the 'admit me to the psych-ward' way and he was scary in the Halloween way. That is why he won.
thanks becky.
i can always count on you...
I think that photo of Brigg is better than the pictures they take at school. How did you do that, Cassie? By the way, Livi insisted I take a scary picture of her and just wait, it is totally scary. gale
i think it's the camera and not the photographer! i didn't do anything special. he was climbing a tree and i snapped a photo!
can't WAIT to see the pic of livi. i bet i scream right out loud! kind of like i did at the pics of lani!! :)
Dude, you're supposed to say, "Yes, I'm a professional and I charge $9.95 for a sitting fee and $20 a sheet for prints."
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