Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's Official

I cannot even begin to explain to you the roller coaster of emotions that have been felt over the past 2 days. It feels like the past 48 hours have lasted 10 DAYS! It started Friday night when Jennie and Sean got a call that a birth father wanted to meet with them to discuss adopting his son that had been born Thursday night. He wanted to meet with them right away. So Jennie and Sean raced off to make it in time for an 8:00pm meeting. Within a half hour he had informed them that they wanted Jennie and Sean to be the parents of their newly born son. They connected with him immediately and felt this bond with him on the spot. They were to pick their son up on Saturday when he was discharged.
So in the morning they began their wait for the call from the social worker. We all waited by our so nervous that the parents would change their minds. They were finally able to meet Tate Kenneth at the agency late afternoon. The birth father wanted to be there to see them off. It was an emotionally charged meeting. Lots of tears and hugs. These deep deep emotions from everyone involved. From the time the birth father called Sean dad, I don't think the tears stopped. Sadness, guilt, joy, pride, gratitude, pain....deep, intense love pouring out and colliding in this little 7 pound, 4 ounce MIRACLE baby! It is unreal the love that has been given to this baby from the moment his birth parents found out they were pregnant. The birth mother took care of herself and even chose to breastfeed while in the hospital so her son could get the antibodies found in that first breast milk. The questions the birthfather asked Jennie and Sean about college, family, and first cars proved that the love he felt for his son was so great that he could barely wrap his mind around it. The one thing that he expressed over and over again was how happy he was that his son was going to be loved by Jennie and Sean. So as Jennie and Sean drove away with their son, Jennie looked back and cried as her heart BROKE for these young kids who provided them with this amazing gift.
The waiting continued....
Bethany has the birth parents officially sign away rights after 72 hours and not ONE MINUTE before. 72 hours landed at 7:59 pm tonight. Jennie and Sean were forced to stay in a hotel in Pella and WAIT until they got a call from the social worker saying the papers had been signed. We all waited. It was awful. The mere possibility that they could call and say, "They changed their minds. You'll have to bring him back" made us all sick to our stomachs. Finally, just about 20 minutes ago, Jennie called to tell me I am officially an aunt! Not only did the parents sign, they wanted to social worker to make sure and tell Jennie and Sean how thankful they were for them. How amazing is that?!? I cannot believe the maturity of two young adults who chose to go through 9 months of pregnancy, labor, delivery, breastfeeding, falling in love with and giving up their son. I stand in awe at their courage. I respect them from a deep place in my heart that I didn't even know existed until I was exposed to this life experience. Thank you cannot do justice to the feelings we have for this couple.
Jennie and Sean are GLOWING tonight. They are beyond ecstatic. They are parents. Now THAT is amazing!!

"However motherhood (or fatherhood!!) comes to you, it is a miracle." (Valerie Harper, adoptive parent)


Blogger The Brookharts said...

What a joy. My heart aches for the birth parents. I'm sure this has been a roller coaster of emotions for them. I'm so glad they delivered their baby though and found a wonderful couple to love him.

10/10/2006 3:40 PM  

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