Saturday, January 14, 2006

Eagle Watch

I am back!! Thank goodness it's Saturday! We went to an Eagle Watch this morning. It was a beautiful day for it weather-wise, but the amount of eagles were down because the river isn't frozen. We probably saw 7 or so. As you can see, I spent most of my morning children-watching rather than eagle-watching. My heart just fills so full it HURTS when I look at the world through their eyes! Every little thing is so fascinating to them. Lani's favorite part of the day was drinking the hot chocolate during the bird program. Of course she found the turkey vulture the most amazing. It is my belief that she made the correlation between the turkey vulture and her father. The number of things they have in common is incredible! The turkey vulture has no feathers on his head, has huge nostrils and will eat ANYTHING. Sound like anyone you know? I am certain Nalani saw the resemblence. =) I live for moments like these. You can almost see their little brains growing. Brigg loved the bald eagle and I was most impressed with the barn owl...which is endangered. The lack of gas yesterday has escaped my mind and been replaces with memories of eagles, turkey vultures and hot chocolate. Have a great weekend! Posted by Picasa


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